Friday, August 07, 2020

Stuck In Thee Garage #333: August 7, 2020

Let's face it, in these insane times, even 2005 looks kinda good in comparison. At the time, it was kind of a shitshow, what with the Gulf War, Hurricane Katrina and the incompetent bumbling of a president who now looks like a genius compared to the current occupant of the position. Today on Stuck In Thee Garage, I played songs from 2005 in hour 2 and it's a pretty strong collection of indie rock goodness. Well, you could still go on dates back then, so that's a plus.

This playlist is single and loving it:

Hour 1

Artist - Song/Album

Fontaines D.C. - Televised Mind/A Hero's Death

Plague Vendor - SPF/Night Sweats

Dehd - Haha/Flower of Devotion

Illuminati Hotties - b yr own b/FREE I.H.: This Is Not the One You've Been Waiting For

The Beths - Don't Go Away/Jump Rope Gazers

Fake Names - This Is Nothing/Fake Names

Protomartyr - Michigan Hammers/Ultimate Success Today

Wolfhounds - Pointless Killing/Electric Music

The Asteroid No. 4 - The After Glow/Single

 Swervedriver - Juggernaut Rides/Petroleum Spirit Daze

JARV IS... - Sometimes I Am Pharoah/Beyond the Pale

The Dears - I Know What You're Thinking and It's Awful/Lovers Rock

John K. Samson - Fantasy Baseball and the End of the World/Single

Run the Jewels - Pulling the Pin (feat. Mavis Staples and Josh Homme)/RTJ4

Emerald Comets - Knock the Thoughts/Strangelands

Pottery - Down in the Dumps/Welcome to Bobby's Motel


Hour 2: 2005

LCD Soundsystem - Daft Punk is Playing at My House/LCD Soundsystem

Gorillaz - Feel Good Inc./Demon Days

The White Stripes - My Doorbell/Get Behind Me Satan

Art Brut - Formed a Band/Bang Bang Rock & Roll

Kaiser Chiefs - I Predict a Riot/Employment

Bloc Party - Helicopter/Silent Alarm

Greg Dulli - So Tight/Amber Headlights

Queens of the Stone Age - In My Head/Lullabies to Paralyze

Nine Inch Nails - The Hand That Feeds/With Teeth

Black Mountain - No Satisfaction/Black Mountain

Sleater-Kinney - Jumpers/The Woods

Broken Social Scene - 7/4 (Shoreline)/Broken Social Scene

Wolf Parade - You Are a Runner and I Am My Father's Son/Apologies to the Queen Mary

Spoon - I Put My Camera On/Gimme Fiction

The Hold Steady - Cattle and the Creeping Things/Separation Sunday


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