Friday, October 09, 2015

Stuck In Thee Garage #99: October 9, 2015

The year 2000 was notable for a lot of things, not the least of which was being the first year of the 21st century. Somehow everything didn't end on January 1 despite rampant Y2K fears. And the music industry was undergoing a major shift. This week on Stuck In Thee Garage, I played music from 2000 in hour 2 and it was exceedingly good.

The accurately predicted playlist:

Hour 1
Artist - Song/Album
Sally Crewe - Satellite/Later Than You Think
Wild Ones - Dim the Lights/Heatwave
Elizabeth Colour Wheel - Wish/Wish
Potty Mouth - Creeper Weed/Potty Mouth
Childbirth - Nasty Grrls/Women's Rights
Blacklisters - Seas Make Ships/Adult
Donovan Wolfington - Mosquito/How to Treat the Ones You Love
Split Single - Fragmented World/Fragmented World
Bob Mould - Star Machine/Silver Age
Sugar - Your Favorite Thing/File Under: Easy Listening
The Besnard Lakes - Devastation/The Besnard Lakes are the Dark Horse
Ride - Seagull/Nowhere
Red Red Meat - Idiot Son/Bunny Gets Paid
Wilco - Cold Slope/Star Wars
Stephen Malkmus and the Jicks - Baltimore/Real Emotional Trash

Hour 2: 2000
Radiohead - Optimistic/Kid A
Elliott Smith - Son of Sam/Figure 8
The Twilight Singers - King Only/Twilight as Played by The Twilight Singers
The Hives - Main Offender/Veni Vidi Vicious
The Hellacopters - Sometimes I Don't Know/High Visibility
Rollins Band - Get Some Go Again/Get Some Go Again
Fu Manchu - Boogie Van/King of the Road
The New Pornographers - The Slow Descent Into Alcoholism/Mass Romantic
Sleater-Kinney - You're No Rock n' Roll Fun/All Hands on the Bad One
PJ Harvey - Good Fortune/Stories From the City, Stories From the Sea
The Tragically Hip - My Music at Work/Music @ Work
The White Stripes - Why Can't You Be Nicer to Me?/De Stijl
Yo La Tengo - Cherry Chapstick/And Then Nothing Turned Itself Inside-Out
Queens of the Stone Age - The Lost Art of Keeping a Secret/Rated R
At the Drive-In - Rolodex Propaganda/Relationship of Command
Modest Mouse - Dark Center of the Universe/The Moon and Antarctica 

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