Monday, February 04, 2013

Through the Past Dorkily: Chairman of the Bored

Editor's note: Through the Past Dorkily is a recurring feature that looks back at the embarrassingly dorky diary I kept as a 16-year-old in 1984.

Friday, February 3, 1984

WAAF Top 5 at Five
1. Jump - Van Halen
2. Sister Christian - Night Ranger
3. Leave It - Yes
4. Looks That Kill - Motley Crue
5. "Michael Jackson Pepsi Commercial" - WAAF

Got my report card today. I did better than I thought I would. Got an 83 for the term in Geometry, 88 for the semester. In College Lit I got 87, 82. All together I had an 87 average for the term and made honors again.

Other than that, it was a boring day.

Uh, later.

- The (bored) Barbarian

Saturday, February 4, 1984

Another boring day. So what else is new?

I went to my guitar lesson. [Instructor] told me that [girl I liked] asked if I had lessons with her. Hmm. She's asking about me. That's a good sign. I'm doing pretty good. I gotta get a guitar strap, though.

Speaking of things I have to get, I need a new wardrobe. I need some jeans, some shirts and anything else I can get my hands on.

After I came home, I watched the Bruins-Flyers game on TV. Boston won 8-5. Good game. The Leafs beat Detroit 6-3. Their first win in around 2 or 3 weeks!

Just a boring day. Tomorrow should be even worse.
- The (even more bored) Barbarian

Postscript: One thing about New Hampshire living that's becoming apparent in reading this diary, there sure wasn't a lot going on at times. I was getting all worked up over this girl I liked, which certainly wasn't the last time that would happen in my life. And on many of those occasions, things didn't turn out so well. 


1 comment:

Ric Dube said...

8 to 5? That's an MLB score not NHL.

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