Friday, January 30, 2009

All of My Days and All of My Days Off

Another week is down and we're in New Jersey. We hit the road around 5:20 and ran into some typical stop-and-go traffic until we got halfway down the Mass Pike. Got here just before 10. Matt and Tricia are celebrating their birthdays (which are five days apart) with a birthday bash tomorrow night. Before that happens, I'm heading out to run 20 miles in the a.m. and then possibly skate with my nephews on the lake here later. Should be nice and sore on Sunday.

I was all set to record a new podcast last night, but by the time I was ready, it was 10:45 and I was pretty fried. So I decided to watch the rest of the Leafs-Avs game (nice 7-4 win for Toronto) and will record the episode Sunday after we get back.

So I've begun blogging at work, but it's actually work-related. Along with two co-workers, I'm writing posts for a blog about patient safety. It's pretty fun and pretty interesting (and occasionally pretty scary). Check it out when you get a chance.

My latest running column is about shoes and the feet that need them.

On the ride down, I was having fun accessing the wireless InternetoWebs with my new phone. We got a free trial of Web access from Verizon and I have to say, it's pretty damn cool. It's interesting how certain sites have optimized their look for mobile devices (the New York Times looked especially good) and others haven't ( was a jumbled mess). Deb keeps reminding me that the fun ends when the month is over, but I don't know...I might be hooked.

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