Monday, December 24, 2007

Candy Cane Crawl

Happy ho ho, y'all. The kids are tucked in their beds, with visions of dolls and accessories in their heads. Deb's off at the 10 p.m. service at our church and me, well, I'm just relaxing. Finished wrapping her gifts and stuffing her stocking, so now it's time to chill.

I've got this week off, but I'm still doing some work from home on a couple of book projects. Finished editing one book and sent the chapters to a copyeditor today; next I have to go over the proofer's copy of another book and drop that off on Thursday. My brother and his family flew into town on Saturday; I picked them up at Logan and took them up to my mom's, where they're staying. We're going up to see them tomorrow afternoon. They leave on Thursday, which is when Deb's brother Matt and his family will be arriving for a few days. The kids are psyched for all of this activity.

After running on the treadmill for more than a week, I was excited to get outside today. We had nearly two feet of snow from the three storms and it finally started to melt this weekend, especially on Sunday night when the temps got into the 40s and it rained hard. Today it got up to 45 and was sunny, so I ran in shorts. There was still a lot of snow and ice on the sidewalks in some areas, so I had to run on the road for the most part and be really careful. That scrape I got on my knee two Thursdays ago was healing slowly and I didn't want to rip it open again. Fortunately, there were no mishaps today.

Well, have a good one. Here's a little Ramones yuletide rawk to carry you through the next few days and beyond.

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