Thursday, August 29, 2013

(A) Natural History

From Sept. 8-14, the great Cambridge club TT the Bears will celebrate its 40th birthday with a week full of great shows capped off with The Sheila Divine and The Gravel Pit on Friday the 13th and The Classic Ruins and O Positive on the 14th. Sadly, I'll be unable to attend these shows because I'll doing my annual insane Reach the Beach relay trip through New Hampshire. Which made it nice to be able to check out a terrific four-band bill at TTs last Friday: Reports, Soccer Mom, Golden Gurls and Bored Spies.

It was also the first rock show I'd attended in four months (the last being Buffalo Tom at the Sinclair in mid-April). Not sure how I made it through an entire summer without going to see a single show, but it was a combination of being busy and bad timing; many of the shows I wanted to attend were on nights when I had other plans. I met up with Senor Breitling, who introduced me to Soccer Mom and Baltimore's Golden Gurls a few years back, and our friends Rock and Cathy and Bryan Hamill.

Didn't know much about openers Bored Spies, an internationally-based act led by singer-guitarist Cherie Ko of Singapore, but they were impressive. Dreamy guitar pop with angelic vocals and edgy instrumentation. Bored Spies have been touring with Golden Gurls, whose 2012 long player Typo Magic is well worth your $5. Frontman-guitar maestro Andrew Mabry led the trio (which compares favorably to bands like Dinosaur Jr. and Sonic Youth) through older and new songs that have me excited for their next album.

I've seen Soccer Mom at least four times now and they've never disappointed. Probably the only disappointing thing about the band is they don't have an album for me to spend my cash money on, but I know they're working on it. They have similar influences to Golden Gurls, but really amp up the shoegaze aspect with waves of guitar noise. It's all pretty face-melting stuff, and I like to make the joke about needing earplugs for my earplugs, but they play it LOUD. I will continue to see this band again and again.

I saw headliner Reports in January, when they opened for Mission of Burma at the Sinclair and they sounded good again this time. They brought a garage feel to the proceedings, which I always appreciate. If I had to go four months without seeing live music, this was a good way to get back into it.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Completely Conspicuous 292: Over and Out

Part 2 of my conversation with guest Matt Phillion as we discuss our society's obsession with the apocalypse. Listen to the episode below or download it directly (right click and "save as").

Show notes:
- Recorded at Chez Phillion
- Neil Gaiman's American Gods may someday become an HBO series
- Seven stories keep getting retold
- When authors can't finish their series
- John Irving writes last line of a novel first
- Writing novels vs. screenplays
- Barrier to entry in moviemaking was cost of film, with books was publishing
- Now you can self-publish online
- Matt's film Certainly Never was screened at Massachusetts Independent Film Festival
- The satisfaction of slamming down a phone is gone
- Fun at the Boston "Nerd Prom," aka ComiCon
- Nerds rule the world
- Why does The Hobbit require a movie trilogy?
- When reality and satire are easily confused
- Outrage-powered culture
- Viagra has created an army of horny geezers
- Hopefully we won't have to deal with the End Times
- Bonehead of the Week

Marnie Stern - This Was It

The Superman Revenge Squad Band - A Funny Thing You Said
Radstewart - Beer Swindlers
Thee Oh Sees - Castiatic Tackle
Completely Conspicuous is available through the iTunes podcast directory. Subscribe and write a review!

The Marnie Stern song is part of the Adult Swim Singles Program 2013. Download the song for free at Adult Swim.
The Superman Revenge Squad Band song is a single released on Audio Antihero. Download the song for free at Bandcamp.
The Radstewart song is the EP Whig Crooks and Beer Swindlers on Alcopop. Download the song for free at Soundcloud.
The Thee Oh Sees song is on the album Warm Slime on In the Red Records. Download the song for free at Epitonic.
The opening and closing theme of Completely Conspicuous is "Theme to Big F'in Pants" by Jay Breitling. Find out more about Senor Breitling at his fine music blog Clicky Clicky. Voiceover work is courtesy of James Gralian.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

On Your Radio

Growing up, I listened to the radio a lot. It really shaped what I was listening to, whether it was disco, top 40 the harder-edged rock I grew to love, and later the so-called alternative sounds that I mainly listen to today. Of course, as my music collection grew, I listened to those purchases in their various formats, but I still managed to listen to radio a fair amount.

I liked the idea of a DJ serving a curator of sorts, sharing what he or she considered was music I needed to hear and introducing me to worthy artists new and old. As mainstream radio grew increasingly formatted in the '80s, it became more of a challenge to find stations worth listening to. Our move to New England helped, as stations like WFNX, WBCN and WAAF provided some interesting alternatives for a while; that was 20 years ago. Now only of those stations remains (WAAF) and it's a shadow of  its former self; the other two fell victim to the corporatization of radio and no longer exist.

But there's still college radio, which I occasionally listen to, and online radio, where you can find versions of WBCN and WFNX operating. And podcasting has really replaced radio for me, with a plethora of shows that I listen to regularly. Recently on CompCon, I talked to my friend Amanda Guest, a former co-worker who is launching her own online radio station, (you can hear our discussion in episodes 289 and 290). She is doing the old-school way, renting studio space and buying a console. We had discussed the possibility of me doing a show remotely, basically recording it like a podcast and sending her the file to run in a regular time slot. At first I kind of dismissed it, but then I was driving to work one day last month and listening to WMBR, the MIT station, and I thought, "Hell, I can do this."

And even though I'm probably overextended as it is in terms of extracurricular activities (running, podcasting, writing a column, coaching soccer), once I got the idea in my head, I couldn't let it go. So I got in touch with Amanda and my show was born. It's called Stuck in Thee Garage (after the old Dirtbombs show) and it's two hours of me playing rock music; BFF is all about underground music, so it's not stuff you'll likely hear on mainstream radio (although these days, there's a lot of stuff you don't hear on mainstream radio).

But I look to inspirations like the great Boston college stations and Henry Rollins' weekly show for KCRW. I've decided to split up the show into two halves; the first hour is new music I'm digging, while the second is music centered around a particular theme. I recorded the first episode just before we went to Hilton Head two weeks ago, even though it's not supposed to air until next Friday. BFF is making its actual debut this week, with a show or two each night (at least that's the plan I was told a few weeks ago; things can change). My time slot is Fridays at 11 p.m. Eastern/8 Pacific (the station's based in San Francisco), running after Amanda's great show Radioculars. I actually won't be able to listen to the show live because I'll be doing some podcast recording at Ric Dube's house, but I've already heard it a few times.

It's an exciting venture for me, just because radio was always something I wanted to do but never acted on. At UNH, I was working at the school paper for much of my last two years so there was no time to be a DJ even if I had thought to try it. A few years later, I was a tad envious of my brother, an intensely private man who nevertheless had his own radio show at Dartmouth College; of course, he never let me listen to recordings of it, so I have to assume he was good at it. He certainly has great taste in music, so I'm sure it was an excellent show. But my radio "dreams" lay dormant for years, until I launched CompCon in 2006 as a form of radio, I suppose. I've incorporated music into the podcast from the beginning, so it has elements of radio, but this is my first attempt at a straight-out music show.

The first show has minimal talking from me, other than to back announce the songs and do station IDs, but I expect that will change as I get more comfortable with the format. Of course, it won't be the same as doing a live show in an actual radio studio, but there's no way I can pull that off. No time; hell, there's barely enough time to do this every week, but I'm doing it anyway. The good thing about getting that first show done early is I'll always be ahead of the game as long as I record a show each week. I just finished making the playlist today; I just have to record my voiceovers and put the whole thing together sometime this week.

So if you get a chance and you're near an Internet-enabled device this coming Friday at 11 p.m. Eastern (if everything goes as planned), check out and listen to my show. I think it's pretty good. Hopefully they'll archive the old shows on their site; not sure what the plan is there. But this is something I plan to stick with. I've got a buddy working on some artwork and a logo for the show and I'll build a separate Internet Home Page for it soon. Like just about everything else I do, I'm not expecting a huge audience or fame and fortune. It's yet another thing that I find interesting, and hey, it beats sniffing glue.

UPDATE: I just found out that my show will make its debut on Friday, September 6 at 11 p.m. Eastern/8 Pacific. So there you have it...please check it out if you can.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Through the Past Dorkily: Shapes of Things

Editor's note: Through the Past Dorkily is a recurring feature that looks back at the embarrassingly dorky diary I kept as a 16-year-old in 1984.

Thursday, August 9, 1984

Song of the day: Trampled Underfoot - Led Zeppelin

I can go! Yah! Dad said I could go to the Dio concert! Awesome! Now, I hope [metal dude] got the tickets. Excellent!

The weather was lousy. It was cloudy all day. We went right up to the beach and then turned around. Mom was pissed that we didn't even let [Aunt Redacted] walk around. Oh well...

I got my check ($81.90) today. I put $60 in the bank. Now I have $300 in the can. Good deal.

- The Barbarian

Friday, August 10, 1984

Song of the day: You Really Got Me (live) - Van Halen

I worked today. [Metal dude] gave me my ticket. Later he told me he didn't even ask his parents if they'd take him yet. Great.

After work, me and [guitar dude] went to Friendly's and then to his house where he gave me some of my magazines back. I got home at 12.

- The Barbarian

Saturday, August 11, 1984

Song of the day: Back Where I Started - Box of Frogs

Not bad. In fact, awesome! Rush is playing the Centrum on Oct. 2 and 3! Yaah! Tickets go on sale Wednesday. [Drummer dude] said we'll go down to Methuen Mall and get tickets. Yaah!

[Female co-worker]'s getting pretty friendly. She said [cute girl from school] is a good friend of hers. She lives in Atkinson. Hmm.

I'm working 7-1 tomorrow (ugh) and night crew on Friday (yaaah!).

- The Barbarian

Sunday, August 12, 1984

Song of the day: I Wanna Rock - Twisted Sister

Man, am I tired1 Got up at 6, went to work at 7. I worked till 1, actually there wasn't much to do. Then Mr. C asked if I could stay till 6, working in beer. I said sure. I got lotsa moolah, but I am totally beat.

[Aunt Redacted] goes home tomorrow morning.

- The Barbarian 

Monday, August 13, 1984

Song of the day: Shapes of Things - Gary Moore

Top 5 at Five
1. Still Loving You - Scorpions
2. Walking on a Thin Line - Huey Lewis and the News
3. The Warrior - Scandal
4. Midnight Maniac - Krokus
5. I Love You Suzanne - Lou Reed

Dreary day. All it did was rain on and off all day. [Aunt Redacted] left at 2 in a limo. She got home alright.

Sheer boredom.

- The Barbarian

Tuesday, August 14, 1984

Song of the day: All Night Long - Billy Squier

Top 5 at Five
1. Walking on a Thin Line - Huey Lewis and the News
2. When You Close Your Eyes - Night Ranger
3. Still Loving You - Scorpions
4. Bobbie Jean - Bruce Springsteen
5. Pretty Persuasion - R.E.M.

Boring day. We went to the Methuen Mall. I bought a couple of pins: Twisted Sister and Judas Priest (Metallian). I also got the new Hit Parader and a Creem Metal special.

Mom got me an appointment with an eye doctor so I can get contact lenses! It's on Friday. Wow!

[Drummer dude]'s going to sleep over at the Centrum tonight. I left $20 in the mailbox and he said he'll come by around 12 to get it. I hope he gets it.

- The Barbarian

Wednesday, August 15, 1984

Song of the day: I Can't Drive 55 - Sammy Hagar

Yaah! I got the ticket! Actually, [drummer dude]'s gonna give it to me on Friday. But I got it! Rush! I finally get to see them. I hope I can talk Mom into letting me go. But, hopefully the Dio show will go off alright and Mom will say OK. I hope!

On the way to soccer today (on my bike) I met [another cute girl from school]. Oh my gosh. She had just got out of her swimming pool! Is she a beauty or what? I couldn't believe what a babe she is! Too bad she's going with [friend of mine] or else I'd ask her. Incredible!

Soccer practice is now at 5:30. We didn't have it today because it was too hot. [Buddy] came by in his van and we went burning all over Kingston. The freshmen cheerleaders were practicing at the field house. We noticed one girl who was pretty nice. [Buddy] said he's gonna try and see if she wants to go with him. Things with [his chick] aren]t going too quickly. Kinda like me and [cute chick].

- The Barbarian

Thursday, August 16, 1984

Song of the day: The Horrorteria - Twisted Sister

Top 5 at Five
1. The Last in Line - Dio
2. Hello Again - The Cars
3. Rock You - Helix
4. Crazy - Peter Wolf
5. Faraway Eyes - Adrenaline

Didn't do much today. Got my check ($81.25). I met [female classmate] at the Bucket. She's a babe.

At 5:30, I went to soccer practice. It went alright. I was a little sore afterwards, but not too sore.

- The Barbarian

Friday, August 17, 1984

Song of the day: Drop Dead Legs - Van Halen

Top 5 at Five
1. Bobbie Jean - Bruce Springsteen
2. Still Loving You - Scorpions
3. Leave My Kitten Alone - The Beatles
4. I Can't Drive 55 - Sammy Hagar
5. The Last in Line - Dio

Whew! What a day (night?). I stayed up till 4:30 last night and got up at noon. At 1:30 I rode to the Carriage Town Plaza for my eye check. My vision is 20/120. I tried on contacts. They felt pretty good. Dr. said they'll be ready in a week. Awesome! On the way home, I saw [cute girl] drive by, [dude] drive by and (I think) [cute girl and someone else] who said hi to me. I couldn't tell because I didn't have my glasses on.

At 5:30, I went to practice. I got home at 8, ate dinner and went to work. The crew was me [and six other guys]. We had over 30 pallets but we were done early. I stayed awake! I got home at 7 and went to bed. Good morning!

- The Barbarian

Saturday, August 18, 1984

Song of the day: Three Lock Box - Sammy Hagar

I got up at 1:30 p.m. At 3, I went to the Basket to see what my hours are. [Supervisor] had me down for Sun 1-6, Tues., Wed. and Fri 3-10 and Sat 12-10. I told him about soccer and he gave Tues., Wed. and Fri. to someone else.

Mom and me went to Exeter and I got 2 pairs of cords, 1 pair of jeans (all Levis), a pair of Nikes and a free wallet.

That's it!

- The Barbarian

Sunday, August 19, 1984

Song of the day: High an' Dry - Def Leppard

I got up at 10:30, took the garbage out and went to work at 1. [Guitar dude] asked me if I would lend him my car because he couldn't get a ride home (at 1). I, stupidly, said yes. Fortunately he got it back alright. He left his keys in it. We're gonna get together and practice tomorrow. [Drummer dude] will pick us up because Mom's taking the car at 6. I have to go for my physical first, though.

- The Barbarian

Monday, August 20, 1984


Song of the day: Rock n' Roll's Gonna Save the World - Y&T 

Top 5 at Five
1. The Last in Line - Dio
2. Leave My Kitten Alone - The Beatles
3. Hello Again - The Cars
4. New Girl Now - Honeymoon Suite
5. The Warrior - Scandal

Wow! I got up at 10:40, 20 minutes after I was supposed to have my physical. I rode down to the school, got it over with and got home by 12. I had some breakfast and then [drummer dude] called at 1 and said we were gonna practice. So, before they came, I quickly vaccumed and washed the dishes. When we got to [drummer dude]'s house, we started to do "Foolin'" by Leppard. I didn't play any guitar today. I sang lead vocals on "Foolin", but I didn't do too hot 'cause my voice can't hit the high notes. It kept cracking on the high parts. Also, we had and taped 2 jams (actually the other dudes did the jammin', I just watched). I got home at 5 and took off for soccer practice. I got home at 8. I'm gonna try and write some songs tomorrow.

- The Barbarian

Postscript: Lots going on in this installment. I got fitted for contact lenses after a few years of squinting because I refused to wear my dorky glasses. I played soccer the previous year with everything blurry; hey, I could see the ball and differentiate my teammates from the opponent. But contacts definitely changed things for the better.

Scored tickets to a couple of big arena concerts: Dio/Twisted Sister and Rush. This was big because my parents actually started letting me go to things. Previously, I just read about concerts.

The band thing was still sorta happening, but it was becoming quickly apparent that I brought next to nothing to the table.

Another new development was working a night crew. They'd lock us in the store after close on Friday or Saturday and we'd stock shelves all night. We'd crank music and eat food and have a blast, all while making time and a half. 

Soccer practice started. I was riding my bike to practice. I can still remember that first day running into the hot chick in the bikini. Damn.


Monday, August 19, 2013

Completely Conspicuous 291: Party at Ground Zero

Part 1 of my conversation with guest Matt Phillion as we discuss our society's obsession with the apocalypse. Listen to the episode below or download it directly (right click and "save as").

Show notes:
- Recorded at Chez Phillion
- Obsessing over the end of the world is nothing new
- Harold Camping boldly predicted the end date in 2011...twice
- Heaven's Gate cult committed mass suicide in '97
- Kirk Cameron and the Rapture
- Recent apocalyptic movies include This is the End and Pacific Rim
- Disaster movies have done big business for decades
- Matt's dog doesn't dig doomsday discussion
- Zombies are all the rage
- Matt recommends Peter Heller's post-apocalyptic thriller "The Dog Stars"
- Matt: Are all our best stories about the end of the world?
- In the '80s, fears of nuclear annihilation
- Lots of crazy natural disasters happening
- Fears of a virus wiping out mankind
- Stephen King's "The Stand" explored these issues in '78
- Japanese monster movies came after the A-bomb
- Miami face eater
- Making money off doomsday preppers
- Sales of bunkers, food, weapons, etc.
- Religious "Chick tracts" designed to freak people out
- To be continued
- Bonehead of the Week

Nine Inch Nails - Copy of a

Obits - Spun Out
Girls Against Boys - It's a Diamond Life
Wavves - I Wanna Meet Dave Grohl
Completely Conspicuous is available through the iTunes podcast directory. Subscribe and write a review!

The Nine Inch Nails song is on the forthcoming album Hesitation Marks on Columbia. The song is available for free download at Amazon.
The Obits song is on the album Bed & Bugs on Sub Pop. Download the song for free at Sub Pop.
The Girls Against Boys song is the band's first new music in a decade. Download the song for free at Stereogum.
The Wavves song is on the EP Life Sux on Ghost Ramp. Download the song for free at Chromewaves.
The opening and closing theme of Completely Conspicuous is "Theme to Big F'in Pants" by Jay Breitling. Find out more about Senor Breitling at his fine music blog Clicky Clicky. Voiceover work is courtesy of James Gralian.

Thursday, August 08, 2013

Completely Conspicuous 290: Just Play Music

Part 2 of my conversation with guest Amanda Guest as we discuss the new online radio station she's launching. Listen to the episode below or download directly (right click and "save as").

Show notes:
- Recorded via Skype
- Launching her own radio station,
- Taking back real radio
- Hope to bring back the college radio experience
- KUSF is trying to stay alive
- Amanda: College radio had a huge impact
- Amanda lives within walking distance of rock clubs in SF
- Already had discussions with venues about sponsoring shows
- Starting with seven DJs
- One DJ in Massachusetts pre-recording shows
- Even before launch, has generated a lot of enthusiasm
- Amanda: Work full-time gig so she can do this during her spare time
- Bonehead of the Week

PJ Harvey - Shaker Aamer

The Moondoggies - Red Eye
Wavves - Hippies is Punks
King Tuff - Anthem
Completely Conspicuous is available through the iTunes podcast directory. Subscribe and write a review!

The PJ Harvey song was recorded in support of Shaker Aamer, the last British prisoner being held in Guantanamo Bay prison. The song is available for free download at Soundcloud.
The Moondoggies song is on the album Adios I'm a Ghost on Hardly Art. Download the song for free at HardlyArt.
The Wavves song is a bonus track on the album Afraid of Heights on Warner Bros. Download the song for free at Epitonic.
The King Tuff song is on his self-titled album on Sub Pop. Download the song for free at Epitonic.
The opening and closing theme of Completely Conspicuous is "Theme to Big F'in Pants" by Jay Breitling. Find out more about Senor Breitling at his fine music blog Clicky Clicky. Voiceover work is courtesy of James Gralian.

Through the Past Dorkily: Hello Again

Editor's note: Through the Past Dorkily is a recurring feature that looks back at the embarrassingly dorky diary I kept as a 16-year-old in 1984.

Thursday, July 26, 1984

Song of the day: We Rock - Dio

Today wasn't that great. I slept til 10. I had a great dream about going out with [hot chick from school]. Mmm.

Mom got us hooked up to some stupid phone thing where you can only make 30 calls a month for 5 minutes at a time. Now that sucks.

I had to work. Fun.

- The Barbarian

Saturday, July 28, 1984

Song of the day: Back for More - Ratt

Another dud of a day. Next week I work tomorrow 1-6, Thurs, Fri and Sat 3-10.

Uncle Peter and Auntie Gini got here around 4.

- The Barbarian

Sunday, July 29, 1984

Song of the day: Run with the Money - Lita Ford

Another exercise in monotony. I worked from 1-6, came home, had dinner at 9 and went to bed.

The Olympics started today.

The Blue Jays finally won a game after losing 6 straight.

- The Barbarian

Tuesday, July 31, 1984

Song of the day: The Girl Gets Around - Sammy Hagar

Top 5 at Five
1. The Warrior - Scandal
2. We're Not Gonna Take It - Twisted Sister
3. Sunglasses at Night - Corey Hart
4. Bobbie Jean - Bruce Springsteen
5. I'll Wait - Van Halen

I went to the beach with Jeremy at 9:30. I forgot to take a towel. I only had $2, but Auntie Gini slipped me a fiver when Mom wasn't looking. It wasn't too crowded, and the weather was almost perfect. The girls were pretty awesome, too. We saw [cute girls from school] and some others there. A good beach day.

Aunt [redacted] is supposed to come on Thursday.

- The Barbarian

Wednesday, August 1, 1984

Song of the day: Gotta Let Go - Lita Ford

Top 5 at Five
1. The Warrior - Scandal
2. Missing You - John Waite
3. Back Where I Started - Box of Frogs
4. So. Central Rain - R.E.M.
5. We're Not Gonna Take It - Twisted Sister

 I didn't do much all day. I laid out front on a lounge chair listening to my Walkman. Good deal, eh?

- The Barbarian

Thursday, August 2, 1984

Song of the day: If This is It - Huey Lewis and the News

Today wasn't bad. The weather held up. Last night I finally got my chain back.

Auntie [redacted] came while I was at work.

When I got to work, [supervisor] asked me if I wanted to work night crew. I said sure. I'm starting next week.

My paycheck was $58.90. I put $50 in the bank. I've got $240 and change.

- The Barbarian

Friday, August 3, 1984

Song of the day: New Girl Now - Honeymoon Suite

After taking Mom to work, I stopped at Carriage Towne Plaza to get some milk. I also got the new Guitar Player, Circus and International Musician mags. Then I took [Aunt Redacted] and JP through Hampton Beach and the Methuen Mall. She gave me $10 and I bought "Condition Critical" by Quiet Riot. Good album. Then I went to work.

- The Barbarian

Saturday, August 4, 1984

Song of the day: I'll Fall in Love Again - Sammy Hagar

What a lousy day. I drove JP and [Aunt Redacted] to the Hampton Cinemas at 1:30. But we took a wrong turn and went to Portsmouth instead. We turned around. I got home at 2:50 and I was 5 minutes late for work. Then I find out that [supervisor], the jerk, didn't put me on night crew next week! I"m working Sun 1-6, Tues 3-10, Thurs (I think) 3-10 and Sat 3-10.

I gave [guitar dude] a ride home.

- The Barbarian

Sunday, August 5, 1984

Song of the day: Midnight Maniac - Krokus

I went to work at 1. I had to clean the washrooms because there were only 3 sackers. [Supervisor] got his red jacket finally. Correction: I'm working on Friday, not Thursday like I thought before.

I got home at 7, and we went to Rye to have dinner. We got back at 11.

- The Barbarian

Monday, August 6, 1984

Song of the day: Rockin' Every Night - Gary Moore

Top 5 at Five
1. The Warrior - Scandal
2. Cover Me - Bruce Springsteen
3. Two Sides of Love - Sammy Hagar
4. New Girl Now - Honeymoon Suite
5. Hello Again - The Cars

Good Monday for a change. We went to Methuen Mall (me, JP, Gini, Redacted) at 1. Auntie Gini gave me a $20 bill. I bought "Rockin'  Every Night," the live import from Gary Moore ($14.98). Then I had to pick Mom up from work at 2. I got 5 bucks from her and I went back and bought "Victims of the Future" by Gary Moore. I also met [dude from school] there. We left at 4.

Uncle Peter gave me a $20 bill to "keep things oiled." Alright!

- The Barbarian

Tuesday, August 7, 1984

Song of the day: Still Life - Iron Maiden

Today was alright. I didn't wake up in time to see Uncle Peter and Auntie Gini go, though. I just bummed around till 3, when I went to work.

I was working with [metalhead co-worker]. We were talking about heavy metal and he said he was going to the Dio/TS concert on the 24th. Tickets go on sale tomorrow morning. He said his parents are taking him and said he'd take me. I gave him $20 and he said he'd give me my ticket on Friday (when I work next). Now I have to talk Mom and Dad into letting me go. I think they will, since his parents are taking us. I hope so!

Then I was talking to [another co-worker] and he said he was going to see Billy Squier and Ratt on Sept. 22. He said he'd take me to that. Wow.

- The Barbarian

Wednesday, August 8, 1984

Song of the day: Love Ain't No Stranger - Whitesnake

Top 5 at Five
1. Cold Shot - Stevie Ray Vaughan
2. Bobbie Jean - Bruce Springsteen
3. The Warrior - Scandal
4. Love Ain't No Stranger - Whitesnake
5. Walking on a Thin Line - Huey Lewis and the News

Not much doing today. We all went to the hospital for lunch and then to Shaw's in Exeter to go shopping. Then I came home and vegged.

- The Barbarian

Postscript: One thing I from my teen years that is but a distant memory is the amount of sleep I used to get. Okay, that extended into my early 30s (basically, BK: Before Kids), but I really could sleep forever when I was in high school, and it wasn't even because I had been out drinking all night. So I had to laugh reading about I slept right through our guests leaving. Those guests weren't actually my uncle and aunt, but really close family friends from Toronto who would visit us at least once a year (and who we'd go visit as well). Peter was English and his wife was Indian and they were really cool; they're both dead now but the other "aunt" is still alive, hence the redacted info. 

The Cars were never bigger than they were in '84, but I don't really remember seeing this video. Of course, I didn't have MTV so I had to rely on other, much more limited sources:


Friday, August 02, 2013

Completely Conspicuous 289: We Want the Airwaves

Part 1 of my conversation with guest Amanda Guest as we discuss the new online radio station she's launching. Listen to the episode below or download it directly (right click and "save as").

Show notes:
- Recorded via Skype
- Amanda was last on CompCon in October 2010
- Moved to San Francisco a year ago
- Launching her own radio station,
- Did a radio show at WMWM at Salem State
- Found studio space to rent at The Secret Alley
- Adventures in Console Purchasing
- Have 4-5 DJs lined up to do shows
- Possible launch date is Sept. 1, but you can listen to music there now
- Best Frequencies Forever
- Using word of mouth
- Partnering with San Francisco venues and brands
- Possible remote broadcasts with DJs from around the world
- Focused on underground music
- DJs "pay to play" in SF
- Hoping to get sponsorships
- Still working full-time while getting BFF going
- Lifelong dream to start a radio station
- SF is a lot more optimistic
- Bonehead of the Week

Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - Hate the Taste (live)

Quicksand - Fazer (live)
Rocket from the Crypt - Born in '69 (live)
Dinosaur Jr. - The Only Other Way
Completely Conspicuous is available through the iTunes podcast directory. Subscribe and write a review!

The Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, Quicksand and Rocket from the Crypt songs are on the Converse Represent San Francisco live EP, available for free at Soundcloud.
The Dinosaur Jr. song is an unreleased track available for free download at SkullCandy.
The opening and closing theme of Completely Conspicuous is "Theme to Big F'in Pants" by Jay Breitling. Find out more about Senor Breitling at his fine music blog Clicky Clicky. Voiceover work is courtesy of James Gralian.

Stuck In Thee Garage #568: February 21, 2025

So much is happening right now that 40 years ago might as well be 400, but here we are. As one of the elders who was actually around then, I...